As we finished with book of proverbs which tells that fear of the LORD is beginning of wisdom. Its not the fear which drive me far from LORD but fear knowing that my LORD, my DAD He is sovereign over heaven and earth in that reverence fear of LORD I need to represent as His Daughter in the world. Book of Ecclesiastes says without GOD Everything is vanity. From Genesis to Revelation I have perceive that how GOD has revealed Himself through His character. He is the super 'HERO' behind the History and whole Bible.
Yes!!! It was graduation day and i still could not believe that this is it, "but" it was GOD who made it possible. How many times I gave up in my heart but every single second GOD was there to hold me back. I was just thinking back if I gave up then I could be the biggest fool to do that. And the day came I am going to graduate, wow! nine months finished so fast. It's not enough to study whole Bible in just nine months. In this nine months GOD has not only revealed Himself through His word but shown me things inside of me which I was not aware of because in my own eyes I thought everything is alright but DADDY wants me to overcome every weaknesses. It was not easy but I thank GOD for all the truth He has shown about me.
Finally ! I dressed up for my graduation day ...waiting... And when my name called ' Samee wangmu' I heard DADDY's voice saying "Go Girl". I was excited, happy , nervous and top of that shivering because l was wearing high heel ....yes!!! high heel and bit scare to walk on high heels that I will not fall down, ok!! video was displayed and I walk towards school leader she hand me over the certificate then hug me and said " thank you for enduring, good job". I thank God it was GOD only who help me till the end.
Thank you for reading my blog and thank you for your prayers ,support and word of blessing.
Prayer points:
1. God will use all the students of S.B.S (School of biblical studies) to rightly handle the truth for transformation of Nation.
2. Rise up many sons and daughters of GOD to equip themselves through the Word of GOD
3. Pray that what I have learnt through the word of GOD I will rightly handle and do it and teach.
As we finished with book of proverbs which tells that fear of the LORD is beginning of wisdom. Its not the fear which drive me far from LORD but fear knowing that my LORD, my DAD He is sovereign over heaven and earth in that reverence fear of LORD I need to represent as His Daughter in the world. Book of Ecclesiastes says without GOD Everything is vanity. From Genesis to Revelation I have perceive that how GOD has revealed Himself through His character. He is the super 'HERO' behind the History and whole Bible.
Yes!!! It was graduation day and i still could not believe that this is it, "but" it was GOD who made it possible. How many times I gave up in my heart but every single second GOD was there to hold me back. I was just thinking back if I gave up then I could be the biggest fool to do that. And the day came I am going to graduate, wow! nine months finished so fast. It's not enough to study whole Bible in just nine months. In this nine months GOD has not only revealed Himself through His word but shown me things inside of me which I was not aware of because in my own eyes I thought everything is alright but DADDY wants me to overcome every weaknesses. It was not easy but I thank GOD for all the truth He has shown about me.
Finally ! I dressed up for my graduation day ...waiting... And when my name called ' Samee wangmu' I heard DADDY's voice saying "Go Girl". I was excited, happy , nervous and top of that shivering because l was wearing high heel ....yes!!! high heel and bit scare to walk on high heels that I will not fall down, ok!! video was displayed and I walk towards school leader she hand me over the certificate then hug me and said " thank you for enduring, good job". I thank God it was GOD only who help me till the end.
Thank you for reading my blog and thank you for your prayers ,support and word of blessing.
Prayer points:
1. God will use all the students of S.B.S (School of biblical studies) to rightly handle the truth for transformation of Nation.
2. Rise up many sons and daughters of GOD to equip themselves through the Word of GOD
3. Pray that what I have learnt through the word of GOD I will rightly handle and do it and teach.
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