Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Our value is not in our marital status but in our relationship with Him


Our value is not in our marital status but in our relationship with Him
Teaching topic:
Paul wrote in Phil. 4:11, “I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” This included his singleness.

even well-meaning supporters wonder why we haven’t yet found someone. It gets tiresome to go to weddings and church events and constantly be asked “When will you get married? Have you found someone yet?”

Singleness on the mission field holds challenges. Many societies will not acknowledge you as someone of status as a single. They may wonder if something is wrong with you or lovingly try to find you a spouse. Christianity Today reported that singleness is the fourth greatest reason why candidate missionaries don’t make it to the field. It is also a common reason why many leave.

Yet singleness is a valid biblical option and not to be scorned. Instead, singles who are emotionally healthy demonstrate godliness in unique and important ways. I Learn that minister out of our healthy singleness. It is an important testimony to those around us.

Hold my head up

Resist the temptation to absorb the world’s values. In the Kingdom of God, singles are highly regarded. They are not second class citizens who need to hang their heads.
Out of our singleness, we need to demonstrate the Kingdom of God.

This time as lockdown relex came Home town Tawang.

Met my brother and his wife this is first time I met my sister in law after my brother got married and I was so happy to see my youngest brother also married now. Though she is Buddhist but I know one day she will come to the lord that is the faith I have.
Also I met one monpa beliver

Tenzin his wife and came to know his wife was not well so got opportunity to pray for them.

*Prayer points*
1) Please pray for my brother Joshua's wife yeshi that she will know our living and true God.
2) Healing prayer over beliver Tenzin's wife.
3). Need prayer as my sister and brother are married now but I am single but it should not effect to glorify HIS kingdom.

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