Friday, 9 July 2021




Isaiah 57:18-19"'I have seen their ways, but I will heal them; I will guide them and restore comfort to Israel's mourners, creating praise on their lips. Peace, peace, to those far and near,' says the Lord, 'And I will heal them.'"
Thankfulness as OUR Jehovah Rohpa has healed the parents of her servant Aren who is serving in Himachal Pradesh and whose parents where hospitalised due to covid and even there oxygen level was very law but HE has heard our

payer and healed both her parents.


GOD is omisecient , people from nowhere popped out and added me to be part of these group,one Tibetan beliver group ( Tibetan Christian Kyiduk)

where all the belivers are from Tibetan Buddhist background became beliver of Christ and serving one and only living God in different part of world and other group people praying for Tibetan Buddhist people (  Red Horses 2021)

here people from different countries who have heart for Tibetan Buddhist people , these group interceeding for Tibetan Buddhist people around the world. I am so blessed to part of these special group to be a intercessor and encourager. I believe God already had plan and purpose for each one of us in those group as in Tibetan Christian kyiduk every beliver has different spiritual level it will be blessing for me to learn from the elders and encourage for the younger and in other group being a part of intercessor to interceed for all the Tibetan Buddhist people to come to know the only living GOD.


I trust FATHER no doubt but this time thoughts is coming to my mind that when the everything gets normal so that physically can reach out to the lost , people are still in the dark and dying , how and when gonna reach those people who are lost staying far from truth! But definitely GOD knew exact time just I need to be more patience and wait in HIS time.

1).Thankfulness to God for giving healing to HIS children.
2). Please pray for all the Tibetan Christian beliver in the Tibetan Christian kyiduk that GOD will give burden for their own people too.
3). Kindly remember the  Red horses group that GOD will keep them healthy physically and spiritually.
4).Please remember me in your prayer that I will be more patience and wait on GOD's timing.