I got Opportunity to share word of GOD in beginning of month march and as I was asking GOD what to share , How many times we have doubted with the journey with the God or not doubted single time also? While preparing the message as I was going deeper it really strike my heart too, it was not that kind of doubt I have that God cannot do no! But many times in my beginning or middle of my journey with God I have asked when God? When? Psalm's says in 31:15 " My times are in your hands.
As journey kept going my faith has been grown too because now most of time if I Pray for somebody or something immediately believe comes in my heart "' I trust God if God's wants it's gonna fall in HIS right time our good' , it continuesly reminded me to check my faith that which stage of faith we are believing.
Psalm 139:14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. This Bible verse came to me in this women's Day and I thanked God really I am bless and so much thankful that Heavenly Father created me as a woman, On occasion of women's day I feel like to go out to celebrate women's day suddenly I remember one of my friend who is serving in discipleship Training school (YWAM naharlagun) I called her Naro and asked her if she is free join me for some coffee , she agreed and both of us had a good time sharing what's going on in our life,it was blessed time both of us were encouraged by each others testimony and we shared our prayer points, we had great Time
with nice velvet cake with lemonade too thank you God
Galatians 6:2 “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” one of thing that I feel is God has given me heart for Intercessors and I never miss the opportunity to intercede for anyone who request or when I feel holy spirit is prompting in my heart for place or people. As I have joined this intercessor group and recently one of lady from that intercessors group requested me to pray for her sister's son( husband Werner)and daughter-in-law(wife shandre)
son is in heartbroken because his wife wanted divorce form him it's really sad to hear that, and I have never prayed for like this situation in my life but Holy spirit was speaking in my heart to intercede for them and I intercede for them
and rest is in hand of Almighty God.
1) Please pray for Monpa fellowship family that they will trust Jesus through out their life.
2)Kindly stand with for Werner and Shandre that God have mercy on their marriage life.
3)Thankful for Oppertunity That I am getting make use for God.