I do know how things can come up though.I registered with every hope of showing up live for the training.
Now it’s been a few days, I life has gotten busy and you’ve started thinking,HOWEVER, I knew I want this information about how to effectively inspire others for their global Kingdom roles. I want to impact the least, last and lost —that’s why GOD show me path to signed up! For this class
Life has a way of getting incredibly full, especially when the enemy knows we are about to take a major step forward in doing something to establish God’s kingdom in new places.
“I don’t have enough time.”
Here is the reality. I hate to admit it, but we all make time for what matters most to us.
How hungry am i to see the nations worshipping Jesus? To impact others through my efforts to inspire and motivate them toward the unreached?
Showing up live so I can interact with others in the training is going to be worth the 1 hour investment. I end up renewed in my vision and ready to get started with my role as a mobilizer.
Or I might be thinking...
"How do I know that this training will really help my ministry?”
So, I'm seriously praying to God that HE will be able to make me to attend. I’m super stoked about equipping myself to do this, hearing the questions I have and coming alongside in this journey.
Just hearing testimony of people who conducting this online class gave goose bumb and once again I praise the Almighty GOD for his awesome mighty work in life of people who love serve HIM.
The beautiful gift for my our family through my sister our beautiful baby girl OSHER her name meaning in Hebrew is 'JOY' the joy that she brought was unmreaseable Thank you God, it was kind of test for the family when she came to the world she was sick but GOD has heard the prayers for all who have prayed for OSHER's life.
1) I could get more knowledge of GOD through this online classes.
2) Osher will grow under God's care.
3) Thankfulness to all the people who has been praying for OSHER's life in difficult time.