Friday, 10 March 2017

                                   TIME TO LEAVE NEPAL 
                                       Time with God Alone
I had a wonderful time alone with God last few weeks. I didn’t go any where but just had some quality time reading some books and worshiping Him while cleaning the house. I did not feel lonely but I enjoyed this time with Father God. I experienced that peace described in the bible in the book of John 14:27”Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your heart hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
                      Thank you God
                        As time draws nearer and nearer to leave Nepal I am going through mixed emotions. Emotion of sadness to say good bye to my friends here in Nepal, and also happy emotions to take the next step in my walk with God.
I still remember when I was praying and asking God where you want me to serve and God showed me Nepal, and I thought I came here to serve but  two and half years later I realized God had called me here to learn. Through out this season of my life here in Nepal God has been teaching me to become a strong daughter. He has been so faithful and loving to me.
                 Beautiful people of Nepal
Brothers & Sisters walking with Daddy 
I met such wonderful and sweet people here. People who have such a commitment and desire to walk with God. People who are keep on interceding for their country,
People who are very sweet and beautiful but still live in darkness.
The children are so cute and lovely and I believe that one day they will the ones sharing about Jesus.
I, His daughter am about to move out from here soon but I believe that His work will keep on going on. He already has prepared other Sons and daughters from here to continue His work.
Making Tibetan snacks with Heather
This week a couple from England came here to stay with me. They too have a heart for the Himalayan belt especially Tibetan Buddhist. So I had a very good time with them. We always talk about different people groups under Tibetan Buddhist who stay up in the Himalayan belt especially during food timings and while we clean dishes. They have lots of testimonies and photos of their journey to some of the places in the Himalayan belt. I was so much blessed and excited.
                  IN HIS TIME
Nevertheless, do not let this one fact escape you, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day.
                            2 PETER 3:8
I have to wait for Daddy’s timing. He is never late, He always wanted to make sure that I am not going to take matters into my own hands and do something out of His perfect timing. This is what I love about my Daddy.
Thank you for reading my blog and thank you for praying for me continuously.
Prayer Points:
1)   Please pray for all the missionaries here in Nepal to represent Jesus.
2)   Gods anointing to be upon Ben and Heather(couple from England) who are serving the Tibetan Buddhist.
3)   Pray for me that God will control my emotion.