Tuesday, 21 November 2017
November Update
Tuesday, 17 October 2017
October Updates
Wednesday, 13 September 2017
September Update

Fun time
Getting Settled
My bible became alive
Prayer points:
Wednesday, 9 August 2017
Studying Scriptures
Sunday, 9 July 2017
Its been years i haven't been to my home town Tawang but this time God has open door for me to go there. Its a beautiful place, i am so thankful to be born here. But people they are living in darkness and so much ignorant to the truth. My grandmom, my uncle and aunties they are also one of them.They worship idols which break my heart.
Took the opportunity
When i went there, my grandmom was very happy to see me after 4 and half years later. I stayed there not even two weeks, my grandmom everyday invited me to have food with her. Whenever i went to have food with her i asked her if its okay if i pray over food before we eat ?she said no problem and when ever i pray for food she also use to close her eyes and wait till i say amen. Even though i went my home after 4 and half years later its worth it Genesis 18:14" Is anything too hard for the Lord? Cannot even imagine how Father God work? Amazing!!
On my way to S.B.S( school of biblical study)
Finally i got call from sbs told me that i have been accepted to do sbs.
It was blessed time to meet Spiritual family in bangalore. Its refreshed and encourage me when Tammy prayed for me before i left for sbs. She told me" its not about head knowledge its all bout heart having relationship with Father God, just enjoy His word, dont give up". I was 200percent ready to go for sbs.
This is it !finally here!!!
As on date 1/7/2017 we had our orientation. Everyone started giving there introduction some were engenerring student, pasters, leaders, teacher ...i started thinking that doesnt matter just i will not give up. when the leader of school she encourage us by saying " It is not a 100 meter race it is a marathon, endure and dont give up!".
Thats what i am going to do it endure it, going to be persevere till the end of this marathon.
Book of philemon
This was the first book we study.I never knew that in this book of philemon there so many things there. Its finish yesterday but felt that need to go through again!!!65 more to go with God together.
Yes! It was not easy to observe
laying aside our all preconcive ideas, and examing what does the text says, what did the text mean, when it was written how we can apply that now? I am really bless and priveledge to be here.To read His word in depth with the fear of the Lord.
Thank you for reading my blog and all your prayers and2 support also thank you for all the encouragment.
Prayer point:
1) Pray for my grand mother(Pasang Drema) that she will know God.
2)God's anointing will be upon all the teachers who will teach here in Sbs.
3)Yes, please pray for me that
Holy spirit will help me to study word of God.
Thursday, 8 June 2017
The next day I started sharing story with them Daniel's story (Daniel in the Den of Lions)as i finished my story it was really encourage to see their believe and trust in God. This kids were amazing so small but very smart.I was just helping in this Pre-School(Beautiful Gate) for two weeks and so blessed to see the prayers God started doing in this kids lives so fast.
Monday, 8 May 2017
Psalms146:5 Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God,
6 the Maker of heaven and earth,the sea, and everything in them- the Lord who remains faithful for ever.
9a The Lord watches over the alien and sustains the fatherless and widow,
After searching so many places at last God has provided rent rooms for us.
He is wonderful Dad who knows which area we will find rent room and when, just needed to be obedient. We moved in and started cleaning up the rooms and felt joy and peace to be in our room.
last Easter Sunday i got opportunity to share word of God in Buddhist(Monpa) fellowship.
I was waiting for the opportunity because God has already given me topic to share before coming to Naharlagun. The topic was 'SHINE' to remind everyone of them including myself. Bible says in Matthew 5:14"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden".It basically Jesus making sure that we don't forget to shine. All the stuffs,knowledge,are great but don't forget to shine.
I was encourage when i was sharing from Matthew5:14 about light and we are that light that cannot be hidden and this light that is within us is 'CHANGE' call by God to impact people wherever we go. It doesn't matter what label we have in these world because we already have light inside us we are walking reavival.
Thank you for reading my blog and Thank you for your prayers and support.
Prayer point:
1) Please pray that whoever come inside our rent room they will bless.
2)From Buddhist(Monpa) believer who are not coming in fellowship God will open door for them to come to the fellowship.
3)Please pray for my good health.
Monday, 10 April 2017
It was hard for me on the last day when I had to say goodbye to my leader and her family. As they prayed for me I could not control my tears.
Finally I'm back to Naharlagun( Arunachal Pradesh) where my next season starts.
On the first sunday evening after coming back from Nepal I went to monpa fellowship, and I was so much happy to see my own people. I was filled with joy while worshiping our Most High God together with the Monpas.
Now the next thing was to search rent room for our future ministry here in Naharlagun( Arunachal Pradesh). And it was not easy to search room for rent. I went to so many areas and everywhere I went something is not right either the rent is to high or they dont have available rooms to give us rent. Every morning or evenings I go out for missions ( house visits) serching a room to rent.
I love my Father the way how He shows me His love and gives encouragement. It was on a Friday fellowship during worship when Father spoke to me through a song. The lyrics were like "As a mother cares for her child same way Jesus cares for me." It was beautiful how the Father gave me conformation. And that same evening I was listening to Rick Warren's daily hope podcast where he said" what are you going to do when life doesn't work out like the way you planned or wanted? Its good to know that we can trust God and that He knows things we don't. He has promised that one day He will set everything right". So very true yes one day He is going to set everything right. With that hope I will continue searching rent room.
Thank you for reading my blog and thanks for praying continously.
Prayer points:
1) God wisdom and guidance to be upon the Monpa believers in Naharlagun, and Tawang.
2) Gods provision in finding the right house for rent in order to start our ministry.
3) Pray that while searching a house I will give every opportunity to Glorify the Father.
Friday, 10 March 2017
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Making Tibetan snacks with Heather |
Friday, 10 February 2017
As I was going back to Kathmandu there was man who was sitting next to me, he started talking to me and i had an opportunity to share my testimony to him. At the end of our conversation he said “I never met a Christian like you”. That moment I said to him may be you never listened to any Christian before, and he admitted that he never listened to any Christian before because he is from a very high cast called ‘Brahmin’ in Hindu religion and he hated Christian people. It is always a joy to share my testimony but this time it was even more joy to tell this man to listen to Christian.
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Grace |
Yes!!! Nothing is impossible for God (Luke 1:37). Thank you Daddy. I was so happy to meet them and cannot stop thanking God.
Prayer points:
1) Pray for the man whom i shared Jesus on my way to Kathmandu(Nepal). That he would have more eagerness to know God.
2) Pray also for his newly born baby cousin who has some kind of sickness in his bones.
3) Pray that i would be a Christ's sweet aroma here in Nepal for the next two months.
Tuesday, 3 January 2017
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Samee |